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 ‥‥ AD.2002 ‥‥

  30th Coffee
 ‥‥ AD.2001 ‥‥

29th Duffle Coat
    28th Walkure
27th Amazon
      26th New Century!
 ‥‥ AD.2000 ‥‥

    25th Cool Beauty
24th Wind Blows
 23rd Paladin
   22nd Teao
  21st Warm Wind
 ‥‥ AD.1999 ‥‥

20th Nodati
    19th Nazo?
  18th Glass
17th Blonde
   16th Woods
15th Train
   14th Ritter
13th War Hammer
12th Ghost
       11th Yellow Magic
 10th Umbrella
 9th PLATE+2(N)
    8th Llylgamyn
  7th SWORD+3(E)
  6th Sword of Swinging
 ‥‥ AD.1998 ‥‥

 5th Ring of PORFIC
    4th Christmas
3rd Sixty Billion
  2nd Mannequin
1st Queen o' Beers